The Grandeur of Tea & Nature.

In today’s world, our view of life has been minimized to smaller screens that we spend hours on everyday. Have we ever predicted that our lifestyle would change so drastically within a short time span of two decades? With the advancement of technology, we acknowledge the convenience it has provided a lot of us- massive flow of free information and resources that we can access to and connecting with people on the opposite side of the globe all within a click under our fingertips. However, there is a big sacrifice to pay for this convenience- the erosion of our attention, focus and vision. We often lock our eyes on a screen, be it a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, computer, television, etc. and keep scrolling through pages of intriguing information and knowledge banks. However, it is eating away our curiosity in many ways that we no longer take the time to explore the questions ourselves but rather look up answers right away. Are we really becoming more intelligent and well-informed or are we just becoming lazier and dumbing down ourselves overtime?

The grandeur of Nature has always been so mesmerizing and magical. Whenever we go near them, it gives us a bigger picture of life, instead of a small miniature version of life limited to a screen. It puts our ego in check and lets us realize we are not the center of everything. It brings us out of our heads for a moment to commune with others. It makes an explicit comparison of how small we are as a person. Doesn’t this equate to what our world, planet or even the universe is about? Within the cosmos there are trillions of stars that twinkle, and the galaxcape (ie. galaxy-scape) only looks so astonishingly beautiful all because these stars combine to paint a picturesque “Starry Starry Night” sky. What about us? The grandeur of mountains, trees, rivers, waterfalls, etc. remind us that we are only a small part of this planet Earth. We are part of this collective community called Nature. Even though we are small, we are not powerless. The vastness of Nature shows us there are infinite possibilities that we can manifest in our lives. We do not need to scroll through pictures to understand that, it is through our personal experience and connection with Nature that can make it so everlasting, impactful and memorable for each of us. This experience is so unique that we can not replicate what others have gone through.

Why not embark on your own journey and connect with the grandeur of Nature yourself? Instead of seeing something through other people’s lenses, what about seeing through your own lenses? After my 3-hour-hike up the steep slopes, while taking short breaks in between, I realized it was all worth the sweat and hardwork. I was so touched by the beauty of Nature that I teared. That’s the magical moment when I truly get to appreciate what Mother Nature offers us for free and often times we just need to lift our head up and pay attention to Her. At the end of the hike, I couldn’t resist to just sit on a rock for a long time, looking at the mesmerizing ice-capped summit standing across from me, while sipping my tea. This moment is surreal. All I needed to do is just pause for that very moment and see with my own ‘lens’, listen, smell and feel as my senses increasingly amplify with my presence. It anchors me fully to the natural surroundings I am embedded in where I truly feel alive, off-screen. When we offer our full presence to Nature, we become one with Nature and ourselves and we can bring this state of unity into other aspects of our life. Likewise, we can bring the focus we give to the process of brewing our cup of tea to other things in life, no matter where we are.


Can you recall a personal experience with the grandeur of Nature that touched your heart and mind so deeply?

Happy Brewing!


What is Your Truth?


Tea Therapy: Heal ourselves with Tea and Nature.