What is Your Truth?

“We only get a clearer picture after the fog dissipates, like unveiling our blindfold.”

What is Truth? Is it something that we can find in our immediate surroundings such as books, news, movies, podcasts, social media, music, paintings, etc.? Or is it something that requires us to travel miles away to take refuge in a remote mountain or sanctuary? Can we see it when we are attached to certain ideologies, dogmas, cultures and traditions?

Truth has been a “hidden treasure” that humanity around the world has been searching for in the past centuries and millenia, in the hopes of discovering something more in life. With established schools of thoughts such as religions, language arts, literature, philosophy, biology, mathematics, history, political science, geography, astronomy, fine arts, etc., can Truth really be told in totality? In other words, can we perceive the Truth for ourselves through others’ experiences, discoveries and findings? Is Truth something that we can only perceive through our physical senses, common sense and logical mind? If so, why are there still so many people trying to search for this “hidden treasure” up to this day? What we have learned and gained as knowledge in educational and social systems has limitations and may not always have the answers. We may even have to give up preconceived ideas, notions and perceptions of the world and the “Self” to get closer to what the Truth is.

A Truth Seeker is someone who embraces the daring spirit of venturing into the unchartered territories in life. They are people who do not submit or believe everything that has already been given to them such as social and cultural norms. In the modern world that is increasingly polarized in views and filled with multiple layers of pretension, deception and lies, how do we continue to see through the illusions that have worked out in many forms to manipulate our thinking and acting? Can we really see the Truth living under the authority and rules of long-established institutions that hold so much power and control over humankind?

A Truth Seeker is also someone who is instilled with boldness, courage and an unquenchable thirst for understanding the world around them and is not afraid to ask self-inquiry questions like, “Why am I here on Earth at this point of time?”, “Is there something more than just living the routined life?”, or “What is my mission during this limited life span?”. Their unwavering curiosity propels them forward and, therefore, will not easily give into explanations or information provided by others. They are here to relentlessly experience living the life themselves and fulfilling a centered purpose of asking the “whys” in life.

Are you someone who is trying to understand that Truth for yourself in life? Can Truth be found by following others’ footsteps in living our life? How do we get closer to our own Truth? In order to step into the spirit of the Truth Seeker, it is essential to live in authenticity, honesty and naturalness. A dedicated tea brewing and nature immersion practice is one of the many possible ways that can help guide us through this journey. Tea and Nature are like the Northern Star that points us to the direction of the Truth, but not the Truth itself. Through observing their naturalness and beingness, we can discover our own mirroring truths. Self-knowledge and honest self-expression are essentially the starting point. It is really up to us whether we choose to live under a facade that fulfills social expectations or lead an authentic life that is in alignment with our Soul. It is only you who hold that key to your very own Truth and it will be revealed to you at the right timing unexpectedly, like unveiling a blindfold.

Can you think of any external influences in your immediate surroundings that may have subconsciously shaped your view on things?

Happy Brewing!


The Grandeur of Tea & Nature.